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About the organisation

We are a local charity based in Herefordshire, affiliated with MIND. 

Our mission is "We believe no one should have to face a mental health problem alone. We are here for you, whether you’re stressed, depressed or worried about someone else. We’ll listen, give support, and fight your corner."

We offer sevices in residential housing and supporting people with menatl health difficulties in the community, these include:

Safe haven-offering a safe space, a respectful listening ear and the exploration of coping strategies.

Counselling- providing 12 sessions of counselling at subsidised price and providing training opportunities for counsellors in training. Counselling for our local Ukrainian population under the Homes for Ukraine scheme, also expanded to help other refugees.

Supported housing-We provide accommodation for people who may require a little extra practical and emotion support to maintain and sustain a tenancy. We provide a range of bedsits or shared flats in Hereford.

Community support team-We provide flexible, recovery focussed support for people with mental health problems living in the community.

Link workers- support within neighbourhood mental health NHS teams, working in a national pilot project looking at integrating menatl health care.

Peer Support workers - designed so that people can come together in support of each other when they have shared difficult experiences.The people involved in our peer support service play an active role in creating a safe environment for each other. Many and various groups such as long standing Art Space, well spring music group and recently parnet support groups for young people with various diagnoses.

Business support- mental health awareness training and mental health first aid courses.



About the role

We need to expand the skill mix of our trustees to include people with strategic financial planning experience. We are a succesful mental health charity and have a great reputation locally for the services we provide. 

Our board and senior management team are a committed and resourceful group.As with many charities we work within a changeable ecosystem of finance and need to be agile in the way we manage our resources to the best advantage. We have a group of trustees who have a wide variety of skills, including financial management, but we feel we need to further develop our board particulary looking at longer term strategic financial planning, building resilience and succession planning.

We meet every two months on the first Monday of the month. The meeting lasts between 2 and 3 hours. There might be perhaps 2 hours or so of time needed to read documents. We have just developed a Finance subgroup to scrutinize the accounts prior to the board meeting and aid in producing an executive summary of headline points of note or concern. It remains the responsibility of the whole board to satisfy themselves regarding the financial health of the organisation.This initiative is in it's infancy but has already produced some helpful innovation.

Our ideal candidate

We would welcome applications from people with a variety of backgrounds. We particulary need someone who is used to looking at the financial big picture and help us plan in the uncertain areas of NHS funding. 

Ideas around effective presentation of financial data would be a great addition to our team. We are a collaborative board and strive to get to a consensus point at times when opinion is divided. We expect to listen and be listened to respectfully, but we do have an informal style. Our relationship with the senior managment team is very productive but we are able to challenge when appropriate in a professional way.

Apart from the skills above I find it is often the personal characteristics that someone brings to our group which enriches the way we work towards our goals. So a collaborative, empathetic person with good communication skills would be top of our list!


What’s in it for you

We are a successful local charity founded in 1978- an agile organisation which is vibrant and interesting to be part of. We have affiliation with national MIND which gives us a good governance framework, along with many and varied ideas.

At each board meeting someone will present a short 'case study' just reminding us all of the human stories that make our work meaningful. At our recent away day service managers for the services mentioned above presented their work to us. We were all really moved by the stories they recounted and we all felt more motivated to develop the momentum of our organistion.

As a trustee you will have a real opportunity to help shape the strategic progression of our charity, so that we may continue to support those in need.

Apply for the role

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Please provide a cover note if it is requested in the role description. Applications which are personalised, setting out your motivations for volunteering for the organisation and relevant skills/experience, are far more likely to be successful.


Herefordshire MIND

Apply by

30 Aug 2024







Time commitment

0-5 hours per month
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