Anna Wojtal — find a cause you are passionate about
Anna Wojtal
ICAEW 2014
Full-time role:
Audit Manager, National Audit Office
Risk and Audit Committee member, The Passage

“I’ve improved my understanding of charity governance, risk management, cyber security and charity accounting.”
How did you get involved in volunteering?
My workplace has a long-standing relationship with the Passage, and we have a group of volunteers helping serve breakfast and lunch to the homeless. At one point, our volunteer coordinator asked if I could carry out some internal audit checks on key financial controls at the Passage. This opened a door to another opportunity as the chair of the Risk and Audit Committee invited me to join the committee in early 2020. I decided to volunteer as there are many people in need who have not had the same opportunities and support in their lives. I feel it is my duty to help them either through donations or volunteering. The latter requires more time and effort but is also more rewarding.
What do you most enjoy about volunteering?
What I enjoy most about volunteering is seeing the benefits of the charity’s work. For me, it’s seeing a person smile after a hearty meal or hearing about someone finding a job and home. It’s also seeing improvements in financial controls at the charity over time which will hopefully help attract further donations and ensure the money is spent on what matters most. I also enjoy meeting and working with passionate and like-minded people.
What has been your proudest moment as a volunteer?
There were many moments I can point to, but I think the most important one for me in my current role is driving the decision to appoint internal audit to help us assess if there are any gaps in the internal control environment. I also have many proud moments from my breakfast shifts at the Passage, especially when we had an unexpected gap in volunteers and worked extra hard to get everything done.
What has been the toughest time volunteering?
Finding the time and energy to volunteer during very busy times at work.
How have your accountancy skills come into play?
I used my accountancy skills when reviewing internal controls at the Passage and during Risk and Audit Committee meetings (for example, asking questions about budgets, considering the affordability and cashflow impact of various projects). I don’t have much experience in charity accounting as I audit mostly central government bodies but there are many similarities, so I was able to apply my skills for this role.
What have you learnt from volunteering?
I’ve improved my understanding of charity governance, risk management, cyber security and charity accounting.
What would be your one piece of advice for accountants looking to volunteer?
Find a charity supporting a cause that you are passionate about — it will keep you motivated and give you a tremendous rewarding feeling to know you have a direct positive impact on someone’s life.
How can get more accountants volunteering?
Hopefully by sharing these stories to show how rewarding this experience can be and how easy it is to arrange it and fit it around the day job and personal life.